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Reading Diaries

Your child will bring home a reading book and reading should be recorded in their reading diary. We ask for children to practise their reading 3 times a week as a minimum. This will support your child’s reading and enable them to practice skills they are being taught in school. Asking your child a variety of questions to ensure they understand the text will also help. Reading diaries must be in school every day. Reading books will be changed twice a week where appropriate.

In order to develop a love for reading it is good for your child to read a range of different texts for example, newspapers, magazines, poetry and library books.



Your children will also be asked to learn spellings weekly. These spellings will be a combination of words from their current unit and common exception words that the National Curriculum stipulates.


Children have access to Numbots and Times Table RocktStars (TTRS) to support their basic numeracy skills. Children can log in to these apps from home using their log in details. You will find these at the back of your child's reading diary.