Our PSHE curriculum develops the knowledge, skills and understanding children need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. At John Shelton we want our children to believe in themselves and to understand they can achieve anything if they put their minds to it. In an ever-changing world it is important children develop an understanding of factors which promote positive mental health and well being and this is at the centre of our curriculum.
Our PSHE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life. Our Relationships and Sex Education enables our children, at an age-appropriate level, to learn how to be safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships, both now and in their future lives.
Our PSHE curriculum comprises of RSE, health and wellbeing and living in the wider world strands. This is delivered through dedicated PSHE lessons and whole school events.
In EYFS the teachers focus on in the moment PSED work and dealing with emotions as well as having a range of texts to cover across the year to discuss, for example ‘Owl Babies’ to discuss families or ‘Rainbow Fish’ to focus on celebrating self and friendship.
In Years 1-6 we follow a scheme called, ‘Discovery Education’, with school adaptations where appropriate. Alongside this we follow a scheme of picture books which cover core themes, which we call, ‘We Belong’. These picture books are mapped to link with the themes in Discovery Education. It is a spiral curriculum so topics are revisited to support understanding and progression. We also have safety assembly time for Years 1-6 on a weekly basis.
Across the school, the children are taught about careers and money to support them and prepare them for the future.
The impact of our PSHE programme at John Shelton is evident in the social and emotional development of our pupils, as well as their readiness for future challenges. Key indicators of success include:
- Behaviour and Relationships: . Pupils demonstrate empathy and respect for one another, actively promoting positive relationships and inclusiveness.
- Knowledge and Understanding: Assessment data reveals that pupils have a secure understanding of PSHE topics, as evidenced by their ability to articulate key concepts and apply them in real-life scenarios, often utilising insights gained from both Discovery Education resources and the We Belong books.
- Engagement and Participation: High levels of participation in PSHE lessons and related activities indicate increased engagement and interest. Feedback from pupils reflects a keen understanding of the importance of PSHE education in their lives, particularly the relevance of the stories and messages found within the We Belong series.
- Wider World Education: As part of our curriculum pupils are taught about careers and money. Pupils demonstrate raised aspirations following career sessions having gained an insight into what they could aspire to be.
Pupils are encouraged to make a positive contribution to the school. This is evident in the number of children that apply for a role on our school parliament.
In summary, our PSHE curriculum, is designed with a clear intent to foster holistic development in our students. Through effective implementation and an
emphasis on impact, we cultivate a generation of well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive both personally and as responsible members of society.