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About our School

John Shelton Community Primary School is situated in the Holbrooks area of Coventry about half a mile from The Ricoh sports stadium. It occupies a, very pleasant site with; a large playground around the school, a grass playing field, two sheltered areas, a trim trail and climbing frame, a Multi-use Games pitch, a tyre park and a woodland area. The building is a single story, modern, purpose built building with a multi-use classroom, library and a newly refurbished IT suite. The school building is joined to Holbrooks Community Centre which serves local residents. The site reflects our interest in learning outdoors and we provide a high-quality learning environment for both adults and children.

We are currently a one form entry primary school with a Nursery taking 26 children in the morning and 20 in the afternoon. We have recently started to take two and three year olds into our Nursery. We have 218 full time children and 38 part time children in Nursery.

Just under half of our children are from minority ethnic backgrounds and 31% are Pupil Premium children. (This means the school receives additional funding for these children) The school supports our EAL children, and those with special educational needs, extremely well. We have a very good level of in-house provision as well as support from external agencies. Our children attain below national averages on entry but achieve in line or on many cases, above the national at the end of KS2.

The school’s leadership team consists of a Headteacher and Three Assistant Headteachers. Each member of the Leadership team is responsible for standards in a phase. Each member of staff takes responsibility for an area of the curriculum and they belong to a wider curriculum team.

The school is organised into learning teams as follows:

Early Years                              Nursery and Reception classes

Key Stage 1                             Years 1 and 2

Lower Key Stage 2                 Years 3 and 4

Upper Key Stage 2                 Years 5 and 6

The teaching staff are supported by a Learning Mentor, a Business Manager and administrative officer, a site services officer, ten teaching assistants (some part-time) and  nine Play Leaders.  In total the staff team totals 35 people.

All teachers plan lessons sometimes in collaboration with other members of staff. We have undergone a review of the curriculum and we are pleased that it better meets the needs of our pupils. The school has a strong emphasis on PSHE.

Governors are very supportive and play a key role in addressing the future direction of the school.

We have developed strong and supportive links with neighbouring primary and secondary schools and we are part of the fourteen school Focus Network. The school is keen to further develop partnerships in the community for the benefit of the children and their families. 

We have a good working relationship with parents. They are welcomed into school and encouraged to work in partnership with us to support their child’s education.

The school was inspected by OFSTED in November 2019 and was confirmed as a “Good School”

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