Year 4 Knowledge Organisers
Electrical systems: Torches
Identify the difference between electrical and electronic products. Evaluate a range of existing torches and their features, then develop a new functional torch design.
Mechanical systems
Making and designing mechanical cars that use different methods of movement or creating and developing a car with a working slingshot mechanism.
Digital world: Mindful moments timer
Exploring the concept of mindfulness and writing design criteria to develop a programmed product for timing a mindful moment, this unit includes new teacher and pupil videos, with an increased focus on evaluation and the use of a virtual Micro:bit.
Cooking and nutrition: Adapting a recipe
Adapting an existing biscuit recipe while considering the cost of ingredients and other expenses against a set budget, this unit includes new lessons with teacher and pupil videos to develop the children’s food preparation skills and adapt a recipe to suit a target audience.
Structure: Pavilions
Investigate and model frame structures to improve their stability, then apply this research to design and create a stable, decorated pavilion.
Textiles: Fastenings
Analyse and evaluate a range of existing fastenings, then devise a list of design criteria to design, generate templates and make a fabric book sleeve.