Year 5 Knowledge Organisers
Year 5 complete 4 units:
Drawing: I need space
Exploring the purpose and impact of images from the ‘Space race’ era of the 1950s and 60s; developing independence and decision-making using open-ended and experimental processes; combining drawing and collagraph printmaking to create a futuristic image.
Painting and mixed media: Portraits
Investigating self-portraits by a range of artists, children use photographs of themselves as a starting point for developing their own unique self-portraits in mixed-media.
Sculpture and 3D: Interactive installation
Learning about the features of installation art and how it can communicate a message; exploring the work of Cai Guo-Qiang and discovering how our life experiences can inspire our art; investigating how scale, location and interactive elements affect the way visitors experience installation art.
Craft and design: Architecture
Investigating the built environment through drawing and printmaking, learning about the work of architect Zaha Hadid, creatively presenting research on artist Hundertwasser and exploring the symbolism of monument design.